We are in an era where nothing is impossible, with a disadvantage of more distractions. Having extra skills and profitable habits is essential.
We are past the era where the only option to learn something was to attend school. Where we are now is a period where every human being has an opportunity to learn and excel at whatever he or she wishes.

Learning from my peers, network and fellows, I have prepared a list of habits that, we think are essential. Before we move, here are some habits that are quite mandatory, If you lack any of these, adopt:
Don’t hit the snooze, Make your bed, Breakfast is an important meal of the day, Yoga-Meditation-Workout, a To-Do List, To-Read List, etc. Check out: The Art of Minimalism.and My Portfolio.
Skills that will be beneficial to you in a long run.

Below are some habits and skills that are important and can have a huge impact on you as a person, you can choose to understand these and learn now or wait for life to teach you the hard way:
- Have a First Aid Kit and know how to use it.
- Know How To Cook, at least for yourself. Learn the difference between a microwave and oven.
- Learn to pick your veggies and fruits.
- Start rolling your clothes instead of folding them.
- Self reflection, have a dairy, journal. etc.
- A To Decide Box: Have a box, where you can put anything that you feel is of no use for now, or that you need to learn more about it. Before just throwing it out, give it a second thought.
- This is a must: HAVE A MORNING ROUTINE.
- Learn to manage – your money, time, etc. Have all your documents placed properly, indexed. Money trackers or Habit trackers can be helpful.
- Learn: Basic Self Defense, a foreign language, Email Writing,
- Communication skills – this could be elaborated into whole new article.
- Learn about your country’s Politics and History, at least have enough to hold a conversation.
Last but not least, Be Grateful.

These are skills that are not taught in schools or even recommended. There are many more skills and habits that prove to good investments in the journey of life.
To Wrap It Up: These are some important skills that can be learn at no price and can be fruitful for lifetime. Pick one at a time and learn.